
Balkan Mediation Online Platform

Originally planned as a support platform to collect, discuss and collectively develop relevant content regarding Mediation in the Western Balkans around the Mostar Mediation Conference 2020, its concept and idea has expanded in the light of the postponement of the in-person event and transition to an online conference.

This platform is meant as an opportunity and encouragement for sustainable exchange on mediation in the Western Balkans, its promising and challenging traits. We hope for this space to have a lasting impact on exchange and communication between practitioners, decision-makers as well as researchers. Our vision is thus two-fold: On the one hand, it is meant to provide information, enabling an overview across the region, on the other hand, by providing a space for discussion and common efforts to create and continuously expand this resource, it serves as a means to further connect and strengthen the network between relevant actors.

It is our ambition that exchanging of best practices and joint reflection on similar challenges, learning from each other, and enriching discussions, eventually, supports mediation to find and expand its place within the legal and the political structures.

It exists by the lively participation of those involved and interested for the advancement of Mediation and those being curious to exchange.

If you have ideas and suggestions for this platform, if you have information and research (material) to share on mediation across the region, if you are following similar objectives or if you would like to initiate or contribute to a new debate, please contact us at mnurikic@cssp-mediation.org.

This Balkan Mediation Online Platform is a joint project of CSSP – Berlin Center for Integrative Mediation and the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), in cooperation with International Association of Mediators from Southeast Europe (IAMSEE) with financial support by the German Federal Foreign Office and co-founded by the European Union.